Native Herbal Tea Range

The Australian Superfood Co, - Native Ingredient Specialists.

  • Packaging design
  • Illustration
  • 3d Mockups
  • Promotional Material

Sourced from native Australian ingredients and wild-harvested using traditional farming techniques, these delicious teas have been used by Indigenous Australians for centuries to alleviate a range of ailments.

Native Herbal Tea Range
Native Herbal Tea Range
“Jo got us instantly, from packaging, promotional materials, brand strategy and social content, to a complete e-commerce website re-design, digital advertising and art direction. She was able to transform the brand's messaging to showcase the ingredients as relevant, contemporary and accessible, taking the brand to where it is today as the market leader in Native Australian Ingredients.

Hayley Blieden, Founder | The Australian Superfood Co.

The Australian Superfood Co released its range of herbal teas, sourced from native Australian ingredients and wild-harvested using traditional farming techniques by Indigenous communities.

Consisting of Gulbarn, Gumby Gumby, Maarr, or Jilungin, these delicious teas have been used by Indigenous Australians for centuries to alleviate a range of ailments including coughs, colds and flus, stomach upsets, skin infections and sleeping issues.

For this particular range it was important to keep the design minimal and restricted to a single adhesive label that could be applied to a tin or a bag. Having specific bags printed was cost prohibitive. Each tea contained different properties and needed to appeal to a higher end clientele than the other ranges created for The Australian Superfood Co. (ironically at a lower price point).

To keep the variants minimal but distinctive, each label colour was chosen to reference its dried leaf ingredient, albeit boosted in both saturation and intensity as a kind of visual representation of its nutrient density.

The selected hue was then adjusted to reference an ingredient feature such as a specific health benefit or flavour.

As an example, Jilungin's dried leaves are a pale blue gum. Ingesting the leaves in tea form is known to improve sleep quality. The deep night sky is evoked by the labels navy wash, a texture illustrated on the iPad using a watercolour brush. Its tone bleeds out much like a strongly brewed tea.

Maarr is a native lemon grass, which warranted taking the green of the dried leaf and softening it with yellow overtones, a tipping of the hat to to its citrus flavour.

The remaining two gradated greens slotted into the range seamlessly and really popped against the black of the tin and bag. The result was a range that felt sufficiently zen and high end.

The 'Wild Harvested' logo consists of a hand drawn plant motif in a stamp/seal like configuration to pay respects to the tireless indigenous communities who cultivate the ingredients.

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Native Tea Jillungin Social Grid
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